Sunday, October 29, 2006

Aspiring to be average?

Hello all!

It appears as though there has been some positive response to may last two posts, so I will now go off on a new rant, which might be a touchy subject for some (especially if you have school age kids).

It is time to talk education. Primarily, not from a kids standpoint, but from a more honest and politically incorrect point of view, do you not agree? That point of view will be mine. I know that there are some of you out there might harbor some of the same view as I. Those in the general populace that do seem to be more concerned with other peoples feelings or how they will react to what is being said. That is to say that they do not want to rattle the cages of the overly sensitive because it deals with their “precious wittle kiddies”. I say, give me a break! Stop acting stupid and demand more from yourself.

Ok, I digress… I will now hit the education factor now:

Recently, there has been a rash of proud parents displaying their son’s or daughter’s academic prowess in public. Yes, I mean our all time favorite “feel good about yourself” “look at me” attention grabber the “My child is an honor student at elementary, high school, primary” bumper stickers. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with that. There is no problem with that at all. It is just that these stickers are seemingly given out like candy on free samples day at the Nestle factory. It truly appears that these “awards” are given to children just for showing the hell up for class. I am not saying this as opinion. Not hardly. I am stating these as more of truths than mere musings of someone who is not informed. So now you are asking for proof? Ok. I think I can provide that for you.

I was in my son’s third grade class recently. After speaking with the teacher for a few moments, I learned that her opinion of current academic curriculum, she felt, was lacking in some areas. She invited me to stay and sit in on the class. This gave me the opportunity so actually see what is being taught and how well the children are receiving the information. What I saw and heard over the next several hours was physically nauseating and offensive to my “delicate sensibilities”.

One of the first things I noticed was that the teacher was speaking Spanish to one of the students. At first I found this to be odd and thought that this was done as a matter of convenience between lessons. Wow! Clearly, I was mistaken when this continued throughout the day. I was left with no choice but to inquire about this. I was told that the child did not speak much English and needed to be mostly instructed in Spanish. Let me see if I get this straight. Each of the lessons to be done in class must first be explained in English to the bulk of the class and then in Spanish for this poor simpleton, whose only fault was to be born into a family who does not feel like learning the language?

I started to worry that this would affect the pace of the class learning. Sadly my fears did not go unfounded. This slowed the class down greatly. The most amazing this about this is that fact that people accept this as the norm.

So, for now I leave that alone and start to focus on the actual material being taught. Uhh… Ok… You are kidding me right? No… Quit yanking my crank! You guessed it. The material being taught was nothing short of damn near remedial pre-k. That is correct ladies and gentlemen, in this third grade class they are still counting on apples and bananas. Now I find nothing wrong with this, assuming that these diagrams are being used as a reference point or visual aid for a new lesson, but these are the actual lessons. Once again, I cannot stress this enough. People, demand more from yourselves. I know you have it in you.

This inevitably, brings me to this point. Now you have a child who can count apples and bananas faster than the rest of the class, clearly they must be gifted let us make them “honor” students. Wow! They are really smart! No they are not. If you bothered to take the time to look you will see that they are not truly gifted. They are bored and are looking for work more befitting to them.

Here is the problem with that. You have a group of children who could not find their rear ends with two hands and a flashlight. Inexorably, a group of adults who do not want to hurt the children’s feelings and whom, through some divine intervention (the literary term for this is Deus ex machina) managed to gain access to a committee that should be chaired my logical intelligent people, decide that the intelligence standard be set at slightly above cucumber. What then happens is only logical. A student who shows any aptitude for academia is then considered “gifted” and placed in a “gifted” class. Here too I had the opportunity to sit in on the class…

What I discovered here was nothing short of … **Hand slaps forehead, while images of Homer Simpson run rampant through my head**. You know what I mean.

What the “gifted” class is not is more advanced work. Basically the students in this class are “rewarded” for their aptitude by being given more homework. The work is exactly the same but the pace has been picked up a bit so as to give the parents the illusion of being advanced, when in fact this is average or par type work.

It is at this point that the awards for “honors” students are being given out. Really, I think that we are all selling our kids and ourselves a bit short.

So the next time you see a “my child is an honor student… blah blah”, I suggest the decal read “my child can count to 20 without removing their shoes”. There is no reason to be proud of academically average kid. Be proud of that child who goes into school and gives it their all, one hundred percent of the time. You do not need a sticker to tell you that. Competition in academia is a great thing. Your child should be made to keep up instead of having the standards lowered due to lower ability. Do not let your emotional shortcomings hold up everyone else.

That’s all I have to say about that


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Are you kidding me???

It is rant time again! Let us have some fun in the land of the absurd, shall we?

I read an article on the net and saw a "news" piece (if you can call it news) on a school in the Northeast region that has banned the game "Tag". No, no, no your eyes are not deceiving you, a school in Massachussettes has banned tag during recess. The reason, you may ask? Why it is because they do not want to have injuries during school hours and to avoid litigious proceedings due to the less-than-graceful, wounded baboon-like movements of other peoples children.

Now you may ask: "Gee, there Ryzyn are you not being a bit harsh on the kids?"

No I am not. The statement made is one of sarcasm. If you do not know what that word means, take the time to look it up in the dictionary.

It seems that the school boards and some parents are selling their children a little short (sorry. I could not help it. I know... Bad pun). Playing tag and games of the like gets the kids active. Lends to better coordination. Teaches the kids about what they can do. Aids in showing physical potential.

I am under the impression this train of thought (soon to be derailed) coming from the same people who are looking to completely outlaw games like dodgeball and everyones favorite game... "Kill the man with the ball!" Does this bring back memories for some? I hope so.

Here, let me help you get on the logical track. Okay? Stop trying to turn your kids into neebish little fleebs and wussies! They are kids damnit they will get cut, bumped, scraped, bruised and yes a bone or two might be broken. But fear not. For kids have the amazing ability to heal rather quickly! There is a reason why young childrens bones are so flexible, or damn near cartilige-like in nature... So the aforemention items can occurr to them without causing permanent damage to them... Yes. I am calling all of you wussy-raisers stupid. That is what you are. Try to understand. Just because you sucked at those games as children and now as adults you aspire to be nothing more than mediocre dreams of never was is no reason for you to constantly foist your weaknesses onto your children. They do not deserve that and you know it.

So pull your collective heads out of your asses and let them play. Otherwise they will wind up like the French and punk out when it comes time to really make it count.

And that's all I have to say about that...



Thursday, October 19, 2006

Some Pictures

Hi again...

Just a quick update. Nothing too over the top. Here are some pictures of my kiddies...



The Workout: Day 1

Have you ever had your own body curse at you? I did this morning. I tried to tell my body last night that I would be beginning a workout regimen. My body did not hear me. Or did it?

For starters, as I attempted to wake up this morning my body turned on the "but sleep feels so good" switch. Amid protests from the other parts of my body, my brain, which sometimes has a good idea once in a while, indicated to my body that this needed to be done in order to protect the entity, which is me. Albeit via protest, my body agreed to comply and of to work I go.

Upon arriving to the office I head straight to the workout room (the office I work in has an exersise facility). As the door opened and I gazed upon the equipment in the room, my legs began to scream as if something awful were shown them. It was at this time I realised that my own body was conspiring against me. An alliance had apparently formed between my abdominals and my legs without the brains' prior knowledge or consent.

So the dissention begins:

My abs and legs started sending signals to my brain. The conversation that took place, clearly was bio-electrical and occurred over the span of a few thousanths of a second (which is, as electricity goes is a long time, which means that the conversation was very lengthy). It is because the dialouge took place on a bio-electrical format, I will attempt to translate and paraphrase the conversation for you, the reader.

Legs: Well I believe that I did my job and walked us all this way. Should I really be subjected to this excess work. I mean really, We feel great.

Abs: We agree with the legs. we believe that we are holding up quite well. Honestly!... We assisted in keeping you balenced enough to get you here. Baby steps are in order. Let us revisit this issue tomorrow morning. We could then possibly consider geting on the treadmill or the eliptical machine.

Legs: Yes! Let us not be to hasty. Tomorrow will indeed be a good day to try this out.

Brain: Uh... Guys. Just so you know, I am running this show. I heard your objections and I find them to be baseless and without merit. Besides, the final decision lies with me... 'NUFF SAID!

Begrudgingly, my body began the process of the warm-up. I got on the eliptical machine and of course five minutes into the workout my heart and lungs just felt the need to chime in.

Heart: Excuse me Brain? Yes, Heart here. Ummm... I am beating really fast. I do not know that I need to be working this hard. How are my O2 stats?

Lungs: Yes Brain. Lungs here. I am doing the inhale exhale thing kind of fast. O2 levels appear to be ok but it is not going to be long before the endocrine system starts pumping lactic acid to the muscles. I received the memo a few moments ago and fatigue will not be long in coming. Should we stop.

Brain: Alright... That does it! Now I am really getting bent out of shape. Please standby...

Body: Uh-Oh!


Legs: (mumbles) Asshole.

Asshole: You called?

Legs: Nevermind! (sigh)

So I begin my workout. Everything is going well until we start working the hamstring muscles.

Legs: Cramp in the hamstring Mr. Smarty-stem... Now what?

Brain: Endorphines are already there and steps are already being taken to loosen it up.

Legs: (fist hitting the hamstring) BANG! BANG! BANG!... Ow Ow Ow... Oh. alright that is much better. We are loose now.

Brain: Great! Get back to work.

In the end, the workout was great. I felt good (especially after I took a shower). I think I will come back tomorrow and do mostly cardio.

Heart/Lungs: Great! You better not hurt us!

Brain: SHUT UP!

I will see you later on!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Long time no see

It has been a long time. Has it not?

I could go into the reasons why that is, but that will be a waste of perfectly good blog space. So I will get right into it.

Recently, I was watching the local news (why I subject myself to this stupidity is beyond me), and I found myself wondering why the local news stations are seemingly of the firm belief that killing, murder, mayhem and scandal are the only items that are newsworthy? What is so shameful about this is not that someone or some group was killed or acted against in a violent way -- It is that the people "informing" you about said story does not care one iota about the people involved in the story itself. You can see it in their eyes. It is as if to say... "Look. I tell you about this lady who was bludgeoned to death with her own prosthetic arm! Look at this concerned face I make. There see the look of concern and shock? You should believe me... I too am feeling her family's pain!"

To this I say... Are you kidding me with this store bought, off-the-shelf, absurd attempt at sincerity? To these news anchors, here is a simple message for you. Give us all a break. That the overall media treats the general populous like brain dead, mentally-challenged children is the true shame. Still, most of the general populous appears to accept what is fed to them so they are ignorant and ill-informed. Just the way they like it. Keep em dumb and drooling and they will ask for more.

But what about some of the better occurrences that should be newsworthy. Like the kid who does something amazing in school that can later be found to be useful to a group or community or however far reaching this can go.

There just needs to be a balance of the good and the bad. If the news can spend three weeks beating the story of a someone who shoots a police officer to death, then why cannot the same be done for someone who does good for society? Well the media would say... "Who cares about some little kid who does something great academically in school that sparks an entire movement of children who do exceptionally well in school?". Why do we not beat this story to death? Because it does not garner "ratings".

Who cares about the good stuff? I do, and so should you. What is wrong with demanding more from yourself and demanding more control with what information you receive from the world around you? If you get angry enough maybe you will.

I will try to come back with something lighter and more fun next time.



Sunday, May 28, 2006

Back home again

Well now... It has been a day or two since the last post and to tell the truth nothing much as happened. But I will tell you this. It is so good to be back home. I mean I really like the area of Californina that I was in but it feels nice to be back home with the family. My kids are doing great (and if I can ever get them to smile for the camera) Pictures will be coming soon. On saturday I took the faily to the golf driving range. Gina seemed not too into it at first, but when she started puttin' the hurt on the golfballs she really got into it. I took a few swings myself and when Gina and the kids started seeing how far I could hit, the really started swinging for the cheapseats (although the turf we were hitting on took most of the beating). Every now and again they hit the ball correctly and some distance was seen. It felt really good to see the smile on their faces, when to their suprise the ball carried when hit correctly. I am still learning myself but I am making sure that I am having a great time in the process. I am so glad that I had the pictures of California. I do believe that one day I will be able to afford that Nikon D50 kit and really go nutz with it.

I just spoke to my mom this morning. She too has a blog. If you are the least bit curious to find out what she has to say... It lies here

Now if I could just get my dad to post. That would be fun. You would have an entire family posting stuff. Pretty cool if'n I do say so myself.

You know I would like to end this post with something different...

I do not know who will see this or come across it but here it is:

Sometimes I like to think about the people who came into my life and are now are no longer a part of it. Some of these people I would like to think are somewhere still out there. I would like to meet you all again. So in no particular order (except the very first name set) I would like to list some of the people who have has special mening in my life and would like to meet again. Some I know I will not be able to meet again untill another time but some I know are still out there. Here they are:

Eliuterio Marti-Lopez (Abuelo)
Alma English (Dad's mom)
Vera Mendez
Mary Padilla
Nick's mom
Jaquiline (Jackie) Kearns
William (Billy) Iaccarino
William Iaccarino Sr. (Billiy's dad -- A really cool cat)
Ms. Iaccarino (Billy's mom)
Allison Parr
Betty Hayes
Avery Jurgen
Michael Alexander and family (Lived across the street from me in Long Island on Spring Street)
Raquel Sarino
Zaid Ansari
Anthony Ferrari
Dedrick and Martin Darclin
Joe Gulino (from elementary through sophmnore year)

That is the short list. Thank you to Mom, Dad, Gina, Hannah, Noah and to my own Phoenix.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Coming down to the wire

Hi all,

It is now coming to the end of my stay here in Temecula, CA. I have so much to do. I must still take pictures of the ducks and I must pick up some wine for some folks. Then I have to get on a plane back to Houston, Texas. My plane will leave at about 5:30pm and arrive in Houston at about 10:00pm. Jet lag will be hard on me. Oh well! As I write this I am trying to think of what else to write. I met some good people and learned quite a bit. Now I must apply it. I know I know you are wanting more pictures from Cal-if-orn-i-a... Alright already!

Talk to you soon,


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

More Pics

Diem Perfectus

What a gorgeous day it was today. I am happy about that because there were no major happenings today. I was able to take some more pictures. I will post them. Class was good. As has been these past two weeks. I should mention that I am a fan of the World of Warcraft game. I have a lot of fun playing. I group with some really cool folks. Anyway, I spoke to the kids today and they are doing just fine. I like it that way. It proves to be non-complicated. I have to go now... Must have clean clothes for the week.

Love you -- Mom, Dad, Gina, Hannah, Noah

Thank you Abuelo.

Me being Silly

What a nerd Posted by Picasa
Good morning all! Right now I am sitting in my hotel room getting ready to go downstairs to have some free breakfast. I really like that because I do not have to worry about paying for my meals while I am out here. This is really quite cool. Earlier on this morning, I gave pause to think about what is going on with me and the things I am trying to change. Sometime I would like to be a little more subdued, but I know that is a difficult request. It appears to go against my nature and when that happens I tend to really screw things up. What I can try to do is to be a little more patient and try to listen more. I am really trying to focus on my job and be successful at it.

I forgot to mention that yesterday I reached a milestone. I was eating burgers and chili cheese fries. Well, at some point I became satisfied and pushed the plates after eating only half the burger and some of the fries... Might not seem to be a big deal to some, but for me it is a big deal... Seeing how I am overweight and all and I am trying to lose the poundage.

Here is another picture of me being silly in California -- Nature shots coming soon.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Diem Novo Deus

Well here it is... The first step on the next phase of my own reinvention.

I have always liked the Phoenix. Even as a little kid. I was always amazed at the myth and legend surrounding this creature. Constantly renewing itself, growing ever stronger with each rising from the ashes. What wisdom can be gained from sucha creature. I do hope to find out. I have learned a bit about myself in this process. I will let you all know as time goes by.

I took a look at this picture and I realized that I need to lose weight. Sometimes I will fly off on a tangent. But If you give me time I will attempt to focus back on the subject at hand. I will try to get as many California pictures in here as possible.

In the meantime, I am in Temecula, California. This is a nice area. Temecula as I understand it means "Valley of Mists". Nice wine country indeed. Somewhere here are some pictures from my California trip...

