Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Are you kidding me???

It is rant time again! Let us have some fun in the land of the absurd, shall we?

I read an article on the net and saw a "news" piece (if you can call it news) on a school in the Northeast region that has banned the game "Tag". No, no, no your eyes are not deceiving you, a school in Massachussettes has banned tag during recess. The reason, you may ask? Why it is because they do not want to have injuries during school hours and to avoid litigious proceedings due to the less-than-graceful, wounded baboon-like movements of other peoples children.

Now you may ask: "Gee, there Ryzyn are you not being a bit harsh on the kids?"

No I am not. The statement made is one of sarcasm. If you do not know what that word means, take the time to look it up in the dictionary.

It seems that the school boards and some parents are selling their children a little short (sorry. I could not help it. I know... Bad pun). Playing tag and games of the like gets the kids active. Lends to better coordination. Teaches the kids about what they can do. Aids in showing physical potential.

I am under the impression this train of thought (soon to be derailed) coming from the same people who are looking to completely outlaw games like dodgeball and everyones favorite game... "Kill the man with the ball!" Does this bring back memories for some? I hope so.

Here, let me help you get on the logical track. Okay? Stop trying to turn your kids into neebish little fleebs and wussies! They are kids damnit they will get cut, bumped, scraped, bruised and yes a bone or two might be broken. But fear not. For kids have the amazing ability to heal rather quickly! There is a reason why young childrens bones are so flexible, or damn near cartilige-like in nature... So the aforemention items can occurr to them without causing permanent damage to them... Yes. I am calling all of you wussy-raisers stupid. That is what you are. Try to understand. Just because you sucked at those games as children and now as adults you aspire to be nothing more than mediocre dreams of never was is no reason for you to constantly foist your weaknesses onto your children. They do not deserve that and you know it.

So pull your collective heads out of your asses and let them play. Otherwise they will wind up like the French and punk out when it comes time to really make it count.

And that's all I have to say about that...



1 comment:

s said...

Hey Pote!
Glad you are back on your blog.
Like the what you said about the not allowing tag article.
Americans better wake up and stop being such wussies 'cause one day they will wake up and find they haven't any legs!
Love you,