Thursday, July 15, 2010

OK... Now What?

Hi there again. I have been working my butt off, both at work and at the gym. I am seeing a pay-off on the work I am doing at the gym. Went to the doctor the other day and she had me jump on the scale (ewwww!!). I had gained weight??!?! What? GAINED! This cannot be. Ahh... But it is. It seems that the weight I am actually putting on is in fact muscle mass. This is really cool. The doctor even indicated that I look much thinner now than in my previous visits. This is great. That made me feel quite good to be recognized for that. I would like to take the opportunity right now to thank the FFwWO organization. If I continue on the path that I am currently on right now, I will not be able to stay on the organization as it's primary member and founder. I believe a few more weeks on the current workout routine and I might just have to buy all new clothing. I think I will be soon listing the basics of my routine, just in case anyone reading this would like to follow. It is not that hard and far cheaper than gastric-cosmetic surgery don't you think?

Well here it is, July of 2010 big deal! So far I am not that impressed. I am either working or working out that is my life right now. Not really all that impressive. Another update coming soon... In the meantime think about this:

Why do we do it?...

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