Hello... Guess What I decided I was going to start a new group/club... it is called Fat Fuckers who Work Out (FFwWO)! Whaddya' think? Nice name huh? Now keep in mind that I came up with the name because it was obvious. I am a fat fuck who was working out. Since I have been losing weight and am having a modicum of success at it, I decided to start this group with some folks at work. They seem to really like the idea. This is definitely not a support group in the literal sense, as there really is no support given. I managed to come across some information that I relay to the other folks and then invite them to work out with me or in parallel in another location. It does not matter to me if they join me or not. The way I see it, most groups attempt to support their followers by identifying and concerning themselves with the others feelings. I do not believe that applies here. I think that the people of this group already know who and what they are. It is up to each individual to attempt to understand and do what needs to be done. The group is comprised of like-minded individuals who are looking to achieve the same goal. That goal is to lose fat and keep a healthy and active lifestyle that will be easy to maintain.
It is pretty cool in the respect that because each person in the group is accountable for what they do, it only makes sense that success or failure is solely the responsibility of the individual. Now one will think "but does that not defeat the purpose of the group?". The answer is -- No it does not. Why? Simple. People will follow of their own free will if they see a benefit out of it. The benefit here is better health overall. Now when people see that someone is having success, regardless of the degree, as long as the behavior does not fall outside of their own comfort zones, emulation of that behavior will occur. If through emulation of the behavior results in a positive outcome and benefit for the individual, then the behavior will be repeated by that individual. Most behavior is learned through observation and emulation of the environment around you (this does include people as well). Therefore a logical thought process can be made. In this case, the individual sees a goal and moves towards it. Others see what the individual is doing and begins a logical thought process. If the conclusion of the group indicates that a benefit to each individual of the group can be obtained whilst being able to remain in their respective comfort zones then the group moves in the same direction emulating the behavior of the initiator. As results are noticed and felt by the rest of the group, it is prudent to say that the comfort zones of each person in the group will increase in accordance with the results obtained. Now it should be noted that the comfort zones of each person in the group will not grow at the same rate as the others in the same group. This can be attributed to many factors. Some of which are external (work, family, time, etc...) and internal (self esteem, stress, not seeing "fast" enough results, etc...). There are too many variables to list. It is at this point where the individual must decide to fail or succeed according to what their "wants" dictate. I say "wants" because ultimately the body already knows what it needs so it does not factor in to the dynamic of the group. The idea is for the group to recognize that their bodies, in its' entirety already knows what it needs to do. We merely provide the means to facilitate the needs of the body.
What the group will be ultimately doing is working with their own bodies in order to achieve the end goal. Or in the case of this group the end "need". The end "need" in this case is repeatable behavior that will lead to habit of knowing what the needs of the individual are and fulfill that need. Once the need is met, there is no need to do anything else, the need is self-sustaining.
In the case of FFwWO, the need is to lose fat (not weight), to achieve a healthy body and an ability to use the needs of the body for repeatable, positive, self-sustaining behavior that will carry over to all aspects of each persons life. This is something that cannot be taught in school or from a book. It can be learned however, from each person in the group by understanding what the need is in every action each person does that leads to the end "need".
If you notice, in the previous paragraph I stated "It can be learned however, from each person in the group by understanding what the need is in every action each person does that leads to the end "need".". But I did not use the word "simply". The reason for this is that it is not simple, it is not easy in any way, shape or form. The ease or difficulty is strictly dependent upon each person to decide for themselves the level of ease or difficulty they wish to place upon each action they apply in order to achieve the need or desired result they are after.
The group does offer one thing that the individual sometimes finds difficulty in getting. Encouragement. Simply put, it is nice to hear from someone other than your mirror that a change is noticed in that person. It sends a positive message and reinforces the behavior that elicited the observation from the other person in the first place. Upon hearing this a new need is put in place. The need to recognize the actions and behavior that led to the positive statement and make it repeatable. After a time, the comments will be complimentary only and will no longer serve as the fuel to push the need forward (you will need to be polite and say thank you and show appreciation for the comment). The need has become repeatable to the point where it is self-sustaining. It is now a habit. The person in the group no longer thinks about repeating successful behavior, it is now a habit that is not even thought of. It just is.
So the people that I ask to be in the group all understand... I am not concerned with feelings and how you feel about things emotionally. If that is what is sought after, then you will fail and you will still be a fat fuck like I was and wait for the magic pill or whatever pixie-dust will be foisted upon your senses during late night infomercial time.
There is work involved (I will discuss the type of work I am doing in more detail in a later post). Believe me, there is so much work involved. But I understand that I am a fat fucker and I do not hide that fact. There is a good chance that my reasons for doing what I am doing will not be the same as the others in the group. That is because my end "need" is different from the others in the group. The similarities lie in the fact that everyone in the group has a need to be in a healthier state of being to ultimately better their individual lifestyles.
I will be happy for their successes. As should everyone else in the group. I will not however, acknowledge their failures. Nor should anyone else in the group. Each person is responsible for their own successes and failures. I do not have time to pity and dwell on why I failed on any portion of my path to the end "need". I just know that I have to get there and I cannot stop until I do.
So to the folks in the group: I welcome you wholeheartedly. Enjoy the road many bumps await you, but whether you know it or not, you do have it in you to smooth things out over time. Just do the work and get to your needs.
Peace Out YO!!!