Here within the myriad swarm of political opinion commentary, I will add my own two cents. Ready? Very well then...
It really appears as though that there is a lot of talk and not much else on these so called "hot-button" topics (do you not just love these marketing buzz-words? I know I do. Heck I'd ask for seconds...). With a lot of these political candidates mentioning these words but having no real impact, I am given to looking at the audience that they orate to. What I see simply amazes me, while at the same time makes me a bit saddened for the American people. You see, there is nothing but truth in the statement "telling you things you want to hear". My question is to anyone who can honestly answer some of the more simpler questions that are not loaded and really have nothing to do with playing around in other peoples countries. Me personally -- I am more concerned with more domestic issues versus global stupidity.
It is at this point I would issue a challenge -- No! A DARE is a more apropos verb (no need to be politically correct).
I would dare ANY political candidate at any level to answer the following series of simple questions that I ask. The rules are simple. All you have to do is keep in mind that you are speaking to the average American citizen, therefore political double-speak and hinting at plans, programs and ideas that do not exist (and probably will not exist ever) to get your point across and make yourself to appear to be the better person WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Rule 1:
Questions must be answered with the utmost specificity, yet be able to be understood by a person with at least a 10th grade education or lower Please do not patronize or condescend to the reader of your answer.
We are the people that look to you to properly represent us and have our best interests in mind.
Rule 2:
When answering a question, it would be in your best interest for you (the candidate) to answer the question by your own hand and not utilize any advisers for this task. If you cannot answer the questions by your own hand then you should not be running for any type of office. This is indicative of someone who does not have anyone's interests in mind, save their own (I believe that we as a people have had enough of that).
Rule 3:
These questions require honesty in order to answer, so please do your best to answer honestly. These questions are not loaded to indicate favor towards any one candidate. If you cannot answer honestly or are worried about how someone might feel then you (the candidate) might want to seek a different career path better suited to your skill set.
The questions are based on searching for truth in representation. Emotional leanings and attempted heart string tugging hold no sway here. Please fully expect that there are some who will agree with your answers and plans. There will be others who will not agree with your answers and plans. So what. We as a people need to know that you as candidates can do the job without fail.
Understand that a number of people view politicians as failures from the outset. You are then subsequently elected based upon which of you appear to be able to fail the least. This, you (the candidate) should view as an insult and an affront to your own personages. This is simply because this is the view that you (the candidates) and your predecessors have created for the American people. These questions can be used as a tool for the voter. An acid test if you would. This will allow the people to make an informed decision about whether or not we feel that you can do the job.
Rule 4:
Under no circumstances will "Buzz-words" and "hot-button" phrases or terms be allowed. If you cannot make your point or answer a question without the use of these truly useless terms and phrases then it is clear that you will be unable to do the job you wish to be tasked with. Which is represent and be the voice of the people whom you are supposed to work with and for.
Rule 5:
Debasing your competition by pointing out past flaws and errors in judgment will not be allowed under any circumstances! If you cannot answer the questions without doing that, it would probably be best if you sought another career path. The American people clearly do not need their judgment clouded by any attempts to hide your flaws and errors by pointing out your competitions shortcomings.
The American people are supposed to depend on you to protect them and their best interests, not yours.
The rules are relatively easy to follow. People need to know that you are there to look after them in the governmental body that you exist in.
One other thing -- This is a test of sorts. I hope that you are able to answer these questions.
That being said let us begin:
Question 1:
What is it that you bring to the table as an offering of your experience, Ideology and how do you plan to apply this to your job?
Question 2:
Why do you want to be chosen? For what reason(s) should we choose you? What qualities do you posses that make you the most qualified for the position?
Question 3:
What tools or resources can you utilize to properly facilitate your ability to carry out your job?
Question 4:
Individuals and families are concerned with their finances (Income... or lack thereof). It is a widely held belief that larger corporations have gotten completely out of control and are adding to the cause and stresses of income burdens for the individual and the family. How do you address these concerns (political double-speak and hinting at plans, programs and ideas that do not exist (and probably will not exist ever) to get your point across and make yourself to appear to be the better person WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!)?
Question 5:
How accessible will you be to the people that you are supposed to represent? Would you be available to communicate your progress on plan implementation of any kind on a regular basis (once a month or more often)?
Question 6:
Educational question --
Many parents are concerned with the quality of their children's education. It appears that the schools are constantly churning out students and young adults who are less and less capable to be viable assets to America. The emphasis appears to be on how the children feel about the schoolwork and themselves versus the actual academia itself. This is also compounded by the fact the class curriculum is constantly "dumbed-down" to cater to students who are less capable or have difficulty comprehending the English language. How do you honestly address this issue (please understand that this question harbors no ill-will towards anyone... So be brutally honest with this one)?
You may start with these questions and as long as you remember the rules this will prove to be an excellent tool for the American public with which to choose the right person for the job.
There will be more simple questions to follow: